Tuesday, November 16, 2010

My life is forever changed

On Sunday Nov 14th at 4:35pm my life forever changed....my 14 year old Autistic son Dylan was in the dining room looking out the sliding glass doors as he often does on rainy days...Then all of a sudden his whole body clinched up and he fell to the floor in a massive seizure. He has never had one before . Thank goodness my husband was home ( it was his birthday ) he quickly ran over to him and put his head in his lap. I called 911..all I could do was scream..mybaby , my baby , he is dying.

My son was purple from the chest up and blood was coming from his mouth. The look on his face , I will never forget. It was the most terrifing day of my life , I thought I was losing him.I called my church family and began screaming please pray for my baby, as they spread the word for all to pray. The ambulance got there and he stabilized and they took him to the ER. They done test after test and could not find out why this happend to my sweet boy.

As of now he seems to be fine , but I cannot leave his side for fear it may happen again. Me and my husband sleep in shifts. Today we have an appt with a Neurologist to find out why. I know that my Lord God and the prayers of so many saved my baby that night..I will never be able to repay them for what they have done...For those who do not believe in the power of prayer , I can only say it saved my son that night and for that I am forever greatful . I love my Lord God with all my heart and will do everything in my power to serve him and to spread his loving word.

I will let everyone know the outcome of todays appt as soon as possable..thanks so much !

Friday, November 5, 2010

Show us your life Friday

Today on Kelly's Korner is all about showing your craft and things you make and or sell...

I am kinda a jack of all trades..lol...I am a design consultant with Willow House and I am loving it..be sure to check out all the great items on my web site lorimckinzie.willowhouse.com. The outlet section is to die for..lol...

I  alao love crafting things for family and friends...here are a few things I have done this week..
This my Christmas wreath for this year. I finished it today.I am loving the glitter "M" in the center.
I can make these personlized to your taste and colors for $45.00

Here is a fun TUTU wreath I made for my niece. Again I can make these in any colors along with little decorations ex. $20.00

A mutli color ribbon wreath $25.00

Ribbon Trees $13.00 for Tall $10.00 for small. Can Make according to your colors.

So far thats it for my Christmas crafts...here are some other things I do...

Diaper Bear $35.00

Diaper cupcakes $35.00 for set shown

Belly casting prices very according to detail.

I will post more pics as I get them uploaded..I cannot wait to see what everyone else's crafts are !!